Forecasting One-Time Fee for New Subscribers

Learn how to forecast one-time upfront fees for new subscribers

Updated over a week ago

A common use case for revenue forecasting is associating a set up or One time fee with the number of new subscribers. In this article you will learn how to connect your subscribers to a One-time fee in Finmark.

Step 1: Start by adding the one-time product

Step 2: Add a new revenue stream and select one-time purchases

Step 3: "Add" a new Revenue Stream

Step 4: Select the one-time product.

Step 4: From here, enter the revenue stream details and select Custom Formula for the revenue driver.

Enter Customers.New for all new subscribers - The use of this variable means for every new customer added, there will be a corresponding One Time purchase.

NOTE: If it's a per-subscription, enter Customers.NameofSubscription.New.

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