Drive revenue streams based on forecasted counts of new customers or purchases per-month
This driver applies to the following revenue stream types:
Subscription customers
One-time purchases
Add a Base Customers or Purchases (monthly growth) Revenue Driver
To drive revenue based on month-over-month growth of base customers or purchases:
1a: If you are creating a Subscription customer-based revenue stream, first add a product with the Subscription frequency selected.
1b: If you are creating a One-time Purchase-based revenue stream, first add a product with a One-time frequency selected.
2: Navigate to the Revenue page in the Finmark console.
3: Click + Add > Revenue Stream and then enter a Revenue Stream Name.
4: Select the Custom number of customers over time from the Revenue Driver dropdown menu.
5: Select a Pricing Plan.
6: Enter the number of paying customers you expect to acquire each month across the pricing plan.
7: Click Add.
8: Repeat steps 2-7 until you have added revenue drivers for each product.
That’s it! You can now forecast your revenue stream based on your subscriber or purchase growth assumptions.