Forecast Expenses per Customers/Purchases

Learn how to budget for expenses that are directly linked to customers or purchases in Finmark.

Updated over a week ago

Connecting your expenses to your revenue is very simple with the use of Finmark's System variables.

If you have an expense that you pay for every new customer, you can reference the "Customers.New" system variable.

NOTE: the same applies if you have an associated cost for every One-time purchase. You would just reference "Purchases.New"

The following expense is allocating $50.00 for every new customer.

Similarly, if you have a monthly expense that you pay for every active customer, you can use the variable "Customers.Total"

NOTE: You can reference any form of customers, if this expense only applies to a single product, you can use the associated system variable

For example - Customers.Product1.Total

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