Add, Edit & Delete a Revenue Stream

Learn how to make any adjustments to your revenue stream.

Updated over a week ago

Add a Revenue Stream:

  1. Navigate to the Revenue Section.

  2. Once here, set up your pricing terms by adding a product.

  3. After a product has been added, you can then add a new Revenue stream.

4. You can then drive your revenue based on any of the following forecast options:

Edit a Revenue Stream:

  1. Navigate to the revenue stream that you wish to edit.

  2. Click the "Pencil" icon to the right of the stream.

3. From here you can make any changes and click the "Save" button.

Delete a Revenue Stream:

  1. Navigate to the revenue stream that you wish to delete.

  2. Click the "Pencil" icon to the right of the stream.

3. Click "Delete"

4. Click "Delete Permanently"

Revenue & Integrations

With your accounting Integration, Finmark will pull in your total Revenue to reconcile with what you forecasted. This number will show at the top of your Revenue actuals section, shown below.

The Adjustments to Revenue line is the difference between what you forecasted, and what what pulled in through your integration.

Import Historical Revenue Data

Step 1: From your spreadsheet, copy the revenue details as shown below:

Step 2: Then, set the calendar date picker back to the date you would like to begin recording your revenue details, create a custom variable in the fx Variables section and copy your revenue data into the variable.

Step 3: Go to the Revenue section and select +add a new revenue stream and enter the following details:

For more detailed options see Importing Historical Revenue Details

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