Revenue Growth Engines: Performance Marketing

Grow your revenue based on how much money you be spending on marketing, and how this will translate into revenue.

Updated over a week ago

Performance Marketing: Learn how to grow your revenue based on how much money you be spending on marketing, and how this will translate into revenue.

Step 1: Add your Marketing Expenses

Examples of how to create your marketing budget:

  • Add a specific expense for each individual marketing cost

  • Budget by channel

  • Budget based on an overall blended average.

Once decided, go to the Expenses Section of Finmark and add your marketing expense. As shown below:

Step 1: Go to the Expenses Section of Finmark

Step 2: Click +Add Expense

Step 3: Fill in the required details based on the marketing budget you are forecasting.

Great job! Now you’re ready to move on to Part Two.

Part 2: Create your Performance Marketing Revenue Stream

Step 1: Go to the Revenue Section and Add Products/Type of Customer

Step 3: Click +Add then select Add Revenue Stream (Driver)

Step 4: Enter the name of the revenue stream and select the type of customer you are forecasting (for recurring products select subscription customers and for one-time purchases select one-time purchases)

Step 3: Select the type of customers will these leads convert into. You can add multiple pricing plans and distribute the conversion across multiple plans.

Step 3: Fill in the revenue driver details, see below for more details.

  • Select Marketing-Led Conversions for your forecasting method.

  • Enter the Acquisition Start/End Date

  • Select your Marketing Expense from the drop-down

  • Enter your assumptions for Cost Per Lead/Lead Conversion Percentage: At the bare minimum, define how much it costs you per lead and how many leads you expect to convert.

  • Enter your assumptions for Conversion Time/% Conversion over Time:

    • What is the conversion percentage of these leads?

    • How do they convert?

    • Do they convert all at once or do they convert over a period of time?

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