Forecast Revenue with Marketing-led Conversions

Learn how to model revenue with the marketing-led conversions revenue drivers in Finmark.

Updated over a week ago

You can use our pre-built revenue driver called Marketing-Led Conversions or build a custom Marketing-Led Conversion funnel in our Fx Variables section. We walk through both options below.


Drive revenue streams based on specific marketing expenses, lead cost, and conversion rates.

This driver applies to the following revenue stream types:

  • Subscription customers

  • One-time purchases

Add a Marketing-led Conversions Revenue Driver

To drive revenue based on marketing spend:

1: If you are creating a Marketing-led revenue stream, you must have an existing Marketing expense. Review or add expenses on the Expenses page.

1: Add or identify Marketing expense in the expense section

NOTE: A Marketing-led conversion revenue driver requires an existing marketing Expense. Before you begin, ensure you have first either added or reviewed a marketing expense.

1: Navigate to the Revenue page in the Finmark console.

2: Click + Add > Revenue Stream and then enter a Revenue Stream Name.

3: Select the product(s) associated with this revenue stream, and then select Marketing-led Conversions from the Revenue Driver dropdown menu.

4: Enter the Acquisition Start Date and select the marketing Expense you would like to forecast revenue off of.

5: Enter the estimated Cost Per Lead (CPL). You can estimate CPL by dividing the amount of the marketing expense by the assumed number of new leads as shown:

CPL = {Marketing Expense / Assumed # of new leads)

6: Enter the estimated Lead Conversion rate, which is the percentage of leads that will convert to paid customers. You can estimate the Lead Conversion rate by dividing the Total Anticipated number of New Customers by the Number of Leads, then multiplying the result 100.

Lead Conversion Rate = Total Anticipated No. of New Customers / Number of Leads * 100

Note: Conversion rates vary by industry, but a good lead conversion rate is typically 5-10%

7: Enter the Conversion Time, % Conversion Over Time, and how you would like to distribute your new subscribers across pricing plans.

8: Click Add.

That’s it! You can now view your revenue stream forecast based on your marketing spend assumptions.

Custom Marketing Led Forecast

In the case that you would like to customize any portion of your marketing led forecast, such as conversion rate overtime or cost per lead we suggest utilizing the custom variable section as shown below.

1: Navigate to the Variables section

2: Create the following custom variables:

  • Subscribers (#)

  • Leads (#)

  • Lead Conversion Rate (%)

  • Cost Per Lead (CPL) ($)

3: Enter in your Conversion Rate & Cost Per Lead.

4: To generate your Total Leads amount, reference your marketing budget as shown below:

(Marketing budget / Cost Per Lead)

5: From here you will need to find your number of subscribers:

(Leads * Lead conversion Rate)

6: Once you have your subscribers count, navigate to the Revenue section.

7: Click + Add > Revenue Stream and then enter a Revenue Stream Name.

8: Select the product(s) associated with this revenue stream, and then select Custom Formula from the Revenue Driver dropdown menu.

9: Enter the Acquisition Start Date and the following in the custom formula bar:


10: Click Add.

You have now forecasted your Custom Marketing Led Revenue stream.

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