Forecast Revenue with the Advanced Subscription Revenue Driver
Add a Revenue Stream:
Navigate to the Revenue Section.
Once here, set up your pricing terms by adding a product.
After a product has been added, you can then add a new revenue stream.
Select Advanced Subscription Revenue
You can then drive your revenue based on any of the following forecast options:
Advanced Revenue Stream Based on New MRR and Revenue Expansion:
Step 1: Create the Custom Variable in the Workbook Section of your Variables.
Some Revenue Variables for your Advanced Revenue can include the following:
Expansion MRR
Contraction MRR
Churn MRR: Please Note: Churn is based on eligibility and this should be a zero or positive value
Step 2: Go to the Revenue Section and Select +Add New Revenue Stream.
Step 3: Enter the Start Date for the Advanced Subscription Revenue and Reference the Custom Variable for New MRR or enter a custom formula.
Step 4: Click Save, and you are done! To view the details of your Advanced Revenue, head over to your revenue details page and view a breakdown of your advanced revenue forecast.